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Fish meal supplier | Where to buy cheap fishmeal Vietnam high protein


Fish Meal Supplier – an ingredient for animal and aquaucultural feed. Many factories all over the world find cheap fishmeal for manufacturing. >> Buy fish meal

How to use fish meal

For cooked feed: Powdered food can be cooked as a thin porridge for young fish or as a solid. Cooking food helps fish digest and absorb better. Therefore, it is saving feed and improving economic efficiency.

For fermented feed: Feed (in powder form) mixed with enough moisture. Specifically, you can tightly hold in hand, and no water comes out. Feed only sticks together at about 40% moisture. You will mix feed with fishmeal and yeast, then be incubated for 12 to 24 hours. It depends on temperature. Fermented feed has aroma, high nutritional value from fishmeal. Moreover, it is easy to digest and fish like to eat. However, this type cannot be preserved for a long time and labor intensive.

In addition, it is possible to mix food with vitamins or drugs. It is about to prevent and treat fish diseases. With cooked feed, you should mix vitamins only after it is cooked. After that, you can mix when the feed has cooled down (>=40oC) to prevent vitamins from breaking down.

Some plants have the effect of being very good preventive medicine for shrimp and fish (such as garlic, earthworm, dogwood, etc.). You can also mix into fish food at a reasonable rate, helping fish to prevent disease.

Where to buy with cheap price

You can buy fish meal from Vietnam because we have good source of fishmeal. In details, Vietnam has large area of sea with variety of fish, especially sea fishes. Vietnam is considered a cheap fishmeal supply

Giai đoạn 2011-2015 đã đánh giá được hiện trạng thành phần loài, trữ lượng các nhóm nguồn lợi và có sự so sánh với các kết quả điều tra của giai đoạn trước (2000-2005) làm căn cứ xây dựng, hoạch định các chính sách có liên quan. Các đánh giá cụ thể như sau:

In the period 2011-2015 assessed the current status of species composition. Specifically, the reserves of resource groups were assessed and compared for building and planning the relevant policy. The specific reviews are as follows:

– Species composition: In the period 2011-2015, about 1,081 aquatic species were identified. Of which, they include 881 fish species, 115 crustacean species, 41 cephalopod species and 44 other species.

Therefore, there are many fish meal supplier in Vietnam, who are exporting fishmeal around the world. Of which, Safimex is a good supplier of fish meal from Vietnam for export with cheap price. We are exploiting very well the source of sea fish in Vietnam for high-quality fish meal. Contact us now for quotation!

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>> Vietnam Fishmeal 65% Protein

>> Vietnam Sea Fishmeal 60% Protein